Thursday, 27 June 2013


Forgive me again for the delay in delivering this song. I won't bore you with the technical details, but by the time this track was completed it had 8 different project files (some of which were corrupted along the way). The inspiration for this one cannot be boiled down to one event or idea as it was produced over an extended period of time and therefore serves as a host for so many experiences and feelings sounds. 

In the last few months so much has changed that I feel like a brand new person. I love it. At some point, everyone sits down and asks themselves what they are really doing. Where am I going? What is the plan? Why do I do what I do? Who do I do it for? When I started this blog, it was as a tool through which I hoped to achieve some sort of enlightenment and share thoughts which had formerly been described to me as less palatable. There were some who would dismiss or even vilify me for my position; people who remain blind to the reality that lays right before them as they fervently seek escape. However, I no longer allow myself to be held by the fetters of their doubt, and the path that lays before me has never been clearer. 

Clarity, as a matter of fact, is the best way to describe what this track has provided for me. Its production has been influenced by so much that getting to see it as I can now is refreshing and highly motivating. It's time to run towards my fate. Any and all are welcome to join me, but I certainly won't wait should they begin to lag behind.